In November 2020, we covered the very capable Art Text 4 from Belight Software. ( Belight is located in Odessa, Ukraine and is very worthy of any support that we can give.
New in this version, 4.2, is the capability to produce typographic animations that enable text effects and movement, using a simple keyframe technique (see As each keyframe is produced, by clicking the camera icon, it is numbered sequentially, and appears in a filmstrip format. When the last keyframe is produced it is followed by the loop icon, which closes the animation. Each of the keyframes defaults to 1 second, although the duration may be changed. In addition, the user can edit the type of transition: Ease In – Ease Out; Ease In – Linear Out; Linear In – Ease Out; Linear In – Linear Out; or Spring.

Text animations can be produced for video productions, on-screen presentations, websites, and for all forms of social media. The user has the option of outputting QuickTime, HEVC/H.265, mp4, m4v, and GIF, with settings for resolution, framerate, and associated parameters. The user can also share video files through Mail, Messages, Photos, etc.
There are many other features, such as masks, transformations, 3D effects, materials, textures, and more that make this program a particularly valuable digital publishing asset. See the nearly 100-page manual at, and the tutorials at A free trial version is available at $29.99
Contact: Belight Software,, Headquarters:
BeLight Software, Ltd., Melnitskaya str. 26/2, of. 305, 65005, Odessa
Ukraine. US Office: BeLight Software 3D USA, 444 West Lake Street, Suite 1700,
Chicago, IL 60606.